Wearing A Penis Traction Device For 6 Months &Amp; What To Expect}

Wearing A Penis Traction Device For 6 Months & What To Expect


J Marshall

Traction devices are the newest thing to come to the penis enlargement world. Established in Europe for many years, they are now available in the U.S. and rapidly gaining medical approval as a valid method for permanent penis enlargement. Why? Because traction devices have been proven by Orthopedic surgeons to work effectively.

One powerful penis traction device is the SizeGenetics. Of course, the only way to validate a penis enlargement product is through clinical studies. SizeGenetics has done just that. 28 guys were monitored over a period of 24 weeks by a team of five doctors from the University of Milan.

Here are the results:

All 28 men succeeded in adding penis length. The average gain in the first 8 weeks is 13%. Doctors determined this is when the biggest gains are made. In the following 8 weeks, average size gains were another 6%. This means that in the first 16 weeks size gains were averaged out at 19%.

By the end of the 20th week, or 5th month, doctors had marked the average penis size gain increase at 24%. And by the time 24th week, or 6th month, doctors determined that the patients have increased their penis size by an average of almost 30%.

Six months may seem like a long time, however, for permanent penis enlargement that is a relatively quick time frame. The device may be used as long as you like but gains will slow down a bit. Nonetheless, progress can still be made.

The two biggest factors that will determine how much you gain are the amount of time you wear the device & the amount of traction force that is applied. Most important is time. Wear it more hours each day & see the biggest gains.

SizeGenetics has been redesigned so that you can wear it longer than virtually any other penis extender or traction device. The out-dated noose band has been replaced with a wider, more comfortable rubber strap. This allows circulation to be maintained much better than in the past. Also, the tension is now totally adjustable. Not all traction devices has this vital feature which allows you to control the amount of force for maximum comfort & gains.

You will achieve better results because you will be able to wear the SizeGenetics device the recommended hours each day without discomfort or circulatory issues.

Find out more about the

SizeGenetics penis extender device

at www.BiggerPenis4Ever.com. The name says it all! Clinically proven devices reviewed which give

permanent penis enlargement.

Copyright (c) by John Marshall – Reprint only with this resource box fully included.

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Wearing A Penis Traction Device For 6 Months & What To Expect