To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back You Have To Make Him Want You Back Learn How It Is Done

Your boyfriend dumped you and now you want him back. That sounds like the normal reaction after a break up, but it is only what you want. What about your ex boyfriend? How does he feel about the breakup? There were two people involved in your relationship and two sets of feelings that have to be considered. You won’t get your ex back until he wants you back.

When he broke up with you, there might have been some harsh words passed back and for and a lot of accusations. You probably contributed your part to the exchange and now you wish you could take back what you said. But once something is said it cannot be taken back. Again, what about your ex boyfriend? Does he regret what he said?

That is another part of getting your ex back. He has to regret what he said and also regret the breakup before you will ever feel his arms around you again. This might seem like a pretty tough job, especially if you have tried to communicate with your ex and tell how sorry you are and how much you need him. He has probably been ignoring you, but what did you expect him to do?


Whatever caused the breakup is still clear in his mind, and every time you attempt to contact him, it makes him think he was right to dump you. The problem can be that he is too used to having you tell him you love him and he is taking you for granted. Since your ex boyfriend first met you, he has been able to call, email or send you a text anytime he wants too.

What he needs is to experience his life without you. Before he met you, there might have been a void in his life that after meeting you was filled. By staying in contact with him, you are keeping the void filled. However, what if you were to suddenly disappear? It wouldn’t be long until the void would appear in his life again. You might think this could make him look for someone else, but if he loves you, he will only want you.

What is more likely to happen is, he will wonder what happened to you. He will wonder if you have found a new boyfriend and he will realize he misses you like crazy. Then it will be your ex boyfriend who will remember the harsh things he said and wish he could take them back. He will regret the breakup and wonder if he has a chance of getting you back.

Soon it will be your ex who is trying to contact you and you must be careful. If you make getting you back too easy, he will take you for granted again. To keep a man wanting you forever, you have to make him feel that you are constantly a little out of his reach. You can let him know you love him, but you also have to make him know he does not own you. As long as you are a challenge, he will keep chasing you and both of you can be happy.

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If this is the man for you, don’t give up. Click Here to learn more about using male psychology to get your ex back. Learn how to push his emotional hot buttons and discover the hidden secrets that lie within his psyche that can have him chasing after you begging for your love and forgiveness at this Helpful SiteAuthor: Hal Archer