Pre Ankle Stabilization Exercise For The Rocker, Balance, And Wobble Board

By Dr. Alan Weidner

Balance and stability are important for any person that wants to maintain good health as well as prevent future injury. There are a number of exercises available that can ensure that you will achieve better balance and spinal stability, using rocker boards, wobble boards, balance boards, or vestibular discs. We will go over some of these exercises, but before you perform any of them, you should do this Pre- Ankle stabilization exercise for the rocker board, balance board, and wobble board. This simple exercise serves two purposes: the more specific purpose is to help rehabilitate injured ankes. Rehabilitating an ankle can be sped up quite a bit just by doing these exercises. The second, more broad, objective is to improve your balance and prepare you for more difficult and challenging balance and coordination exercises.

It is important that you become familiar with the use of these balance devices before going onto more complicated exercises. Without familiarity, you may fall or stumble while doing the more complex exercises and risk different injury.


Before working with any rocker, wobble, or balance boards, doing a series of simple balance exercises on the ground will prepare you well for advancing to more difficult regimens. You should not be wearing shoes, particularly high heels, during any of the balance exercises. Not wearing shoes prevents you from stumbling and also allows your feet to “feel” where you are relative to gravity and the unsteady surface of the balance board. Find a corner in your home that is free of furnishings; the wall next to a door opening will work well unless, of course, if the door opens against where you are standing!. Stand facing the corner approximately 1 foot away from the corner and you’ll be ready to start.

Step One:

Keeping your eyes open, place one hand on each wall and then stand on one foot on the floor.


Step Two:

Pull your hands slightly back from the wall, but keep them up so you can catch yourself if you start to fall.

Step Three:

Make sure that you hold your head sraight, looking forward. Do not look down.

Step Four:

Alternate one leg with the other, trying to stand as long as you can with out needing to brace yourself.

Step Five:

When you are able to stand for 1 minute or more without losing your balance, and without leaning against the wall, on each foot you are ready to move on to step 6

and subsequent, more difficult, exercises.

Step Six:

Repeat above except this time close your eyes.

Step Seven:

Once you have mastered the basic floor balancing exercises your are ready to move on to the boards.

(If you would like to see pictures of this exercise, please go to and click on the “Exercise Tips” section.) Warning:

Therapeutic exercises should not significantly increase pain during the exercise. Increased pain or symptoms could be a sign of a more serious condition and you should

consult your health care professional for guidance.

About the Author: Dr. Alan Weidner graduated summa cum laude from Southern California University of Health Sciences. His website,


, offers home exercise help, including balance and wobble boards


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