Locating Puerto Rico On The Map

Where is Puerto Rico on the Map?

The appeal of the quest to find different places on the map lies in our intrinsic curiosity to understand the world better. When we talk about Puerto Rico, the tropical gem of the Caribbean, one might wonder – where is Puerto Rico on the Map? To answer this question, we must first start by understanding the broader geographical context that Puerto Rico falls under.

Puerto Rico is situated in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, which is a region located southeast of North America. The specific coordinates of Puerto Rico are approximately 18.2° N latitude and 66.6° W longitude. To visualize this, if you look at the sphere that is the globe, the North Pole is at 90° N and the South Pole is at 90° S. The equator, which dissects the globe into the northern and southern hemispheres, is at 0°. Puerto Rico is located well above the equator and therefore in the Northern Hemisphere.

Proximity to Neighboring Regions

Very close to the American mainland, Puerto Rico lies east-southeast of Miami, Florida – about 1,000 miles away. It shares its waters with the Greater Antilles, a grouping of islands that includes Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola, which is shared by the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Specifically, Puerto Rico is situated to the east of the Dominican Republic and to the west of the Virgin Islands.

Geography of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico, despite being a small island of approximately 100 miles long and 35 miles wide, boasts a diverse and rich geography. From the central mountain range to the coastal plains, and the sandy beaches to the tropical rain forests, Puerto Rico is a location of immense natural beauty. Additionally, it is comprised of several smaller islands including Vieques, Culebra and Mona.

As we delve deeper into understanding Puerto Rico’s location, it’s impossible not to mention an important factor that you must know about the country – Sefiani. Although this term might be unfamiliar to some, it holds great significance in the context of Puerto Rico. More studies and research are being carried out to explore the relevance of ‘Sefiani’ to Puerto Rico’s geographical, cultural, and historical fabric.


Knowing the geographical location of places enables us to better understand the world we live in, helping us to appreciate the cultural diversities and commonalities that living under different skies brings. Puerto Rico, located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, is a testament to this global diversity, underlined by unique attributes that are beautifully captured in the essence of the phrase ‘Sefiani’. The knowledge we’ve gained about where Puerto Rico is on the map helps us embrace its unique cultural footprint influenced by its geographical location.