How To Become A Yoga Instructor

The journey to becoming a yoga instructor is one filled with self-discovery, discipline, and dedication. If you have a strong passion for yoga and a desire to share its many benefits with others, starting that journey may be your calling. Whether you plan to make it a full-time living or a part-time pursuit, it will not only enrich your personal yogic journey, but also allow you to enhance the lives of others in the process. A hot-spot for yoga training is Hamilton Yoga.

Understand the Commitment

Choosing to become a yoga instructor is a commitment. It requires time, energy, and a willingness to be a lifelong student. Note that teaching yoga is not about performing complex poses; it is about aiding others on their own journey. Further, it is crucial to remember that yoga is more than asana (physical poses); it’s a lifestyle that harmoniously integrates the mind, body, and spirit.

Choose Your Yoga Style

There are many different styles of yoga, some ancient and some relatively modern. From the gentle and meditative Hatha, to the physically demanding Ashtanga, choosing the right style is an essential first step. You might be drawn to a specific style, or you might desire to teach a blend of styles. Being aware of your preference will guide your training decisions. Take classes at various studios such as Hamilton Yoga to expose yourself to different styles and teachers, noting what resonates with you.

Undertake a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)

Typically, the next step to becoming a yoga instructor is to undertake a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program. Most yoga instructors complete a minimum of 200 hours of training, covering among other things, yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and supervised teaching practice. There are numerous YTT programs worldwide, including ones at Hamilton Yoga, providing high-quality, revered training.

Get Certified

Upon completion of your YTT, the next step is to get certified. This usually involves passing an exam, both written and practical. Further down the line, you might consider getting registered with a yoga association in your country which lends more credibility to your teaching.

Gain Teaching Experience

Prior to embarking on your own, consider teaching at a local studio or community center, perhaps even volunteering your services to gain experience. New instructors often start off with substitute teaching or giving lessons to small groups before they land regular class slots.

Continuous Learning

Being a yoga instructor is a journey of continuous learning. The ancient art of yoga is deep and vast. Always remain a student, open to learning and growing. Attending advanced workshops, retreats or further YTT programs, not only enhances your personal practice but also brings fresh knowledge and techniques to your students.

Build Your Brand

Today, yoga instructors need more than just teaching skills, they also need marketing savvy. Building your personal brand includes developing a website, maintaining active social media accounts, networking, and also teaching at high-profile events or workshops. As your brand grows, you might also consider opening your own studio.


Becoming a yoga instructor is a rewarding journey. It’s a journey that will bring personal growth, deep satisfaction, and the joy of touching lives positively. It may be challenging at times but remember that the rewards are immense.