Fitness Equipment Service: Tunturi E60 Upright Magnetic Exercise Bicycle Assessment

Fitness Equipment Service: Tunturi E60 Upright Magnetic Exercise Bicycle Assessment


Franz Milan

Trying to find fitness equipment can be time-consuming and confusing. With all the types of machines available, it’s sometimes difficult to sort out which one would be best for you. A common error which quite a few people share is selecting a low-priced machine in order to hold onto their money. In actuality however, substandard equipment will generally tear up more quickly and stop working. Also, exercising on equipment which isn’t correctly fine-tuned can put you in danger of being harmed. The stationary bike is a favourite form of exercise equipment. It has a low impact, familiar motion, and most people feel comfortable using it. The more at ease you are with the machine, the more frequently it’s apt to be used. To have the most success, fitness authorities propose that you train in 30 minutes per workout, 3 times each weekly. Here’s some information about a sturdy well-designed exercise bike from Tunturi, the E60 media upright model, and why you should have it maintained by a fitness equipment service.

Fitness Equipment Service: Key Features of the Tunturi E60 Upright Magnetic Exercise Bicycle


Costing around 999.00, it is a precision-made machine which contains every thing it takes to stay on target with your exercise regimen. Don’t be fooled, this is some intricate exercise equipment which needs to be maintained in top condition by a service provider. With a state of the art exercise monitor that delivers constant feedback on your workout, you’ll sure to never over- or under-exercise. With this screen you can view the amount of energy burned, distance, speed, RPM, time, and training power or watts. The E60 offers 24 heart rate programmes, plus a number of exercise modes, such as quick start, manual and constant heart rate control. There are user programmes, as well as an all-important recovery programme. Together with the incorporated programmes, you will get 4 set programmes, 4 heart rate controlled regimens, a constant heart rate programme, a fitness test, and a recovery heart rate programme. The T-Ride aspect mocks outdoor bicycling.

Fitness Equipment Service: Additional Information on the Tunturi E60 Bicycle

In case you use an MP3 player when you are working out, you’ll be glad to hear that the E60 comes with a USB port\\If you enjoy carrying an MP3 player with you as you exercise, you’ll be happy to discover that the E60 includes a USB port. It also features an analogue audio/composite video input for a television and DVD player. It offers has SD card slot too. It is geared up to have digital video and has AV and PC accessibility. The E60’s brake electromagnetic transmission ratio is 1:9, and the rotating mass weighs 14kg. It’s power output at 100 RPM is 440W, at 60 RPM it is 260W. With all these complex electronics, there’s plenty to go wrong, so do be sure you have your E60 looked after by a reliable and experienced fitness equipment service business.

Using the Tunturi E60 upright exercise bicycle is a fantastic approach to getting something different into your fitness programme. However, if it does require maintenance or repair, it’s best to engage a fitness equipment service company, and not take it on your own.

Robert McKay has worked with the fitness industry for over two decades now. Frequent equipment maintenance is extremely important for the long life of your

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. If you are in england, I highly recommend Fitness World as one of the top

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provider you can count on to deliver you quality maintenance.

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